Friday, August 22, 2014

How it Works Microwive

Here are the workings of a microwave oven in the heat of an object:
1 alternating electric current with low potential difference and direct current with a high potential difference is converted into direct current.

2 Magnetron use this flow to generate microwaves with a frequency of 2.45 GHz.

3. Microwaves are directed by an antenna on the top of the magnetron into a waveguide.

4. microwave waveguide forward to a device resembling a fan, called a stirrer. Stirrer propagate microwaves inside the oven cavity.

5. micro wave is then reflected by the walls of the oven and are absorbed by the food molecules.

6 As each wave has a positive and negative components, food molecules are urged forward and backward for 2 times the speed of microwave frequencies, namely 4.9 million times in every second.

Was the result of microwave radiation can be transmitted, reflected or absorbed depends on the materials that interact with it. 3 microvawe oven utilizing the properties of microwaves in the cooking process. Microwaves generated by the magnetron, the wave is transmitted into the waveguide, the wave is reflected into the stirrer fan and the walls of the room in the oven, and then the wave is absorbed by the food. Microwave ovens can make the water spin, rotation of water molecules leads to a collision between molecules. Collision between molecules is what will make the molecules heat up. Keep in mind that most of the food has a moisture content in it and if the food has a moisture content means that the same effect would occur if the food is included in the microwave oven. In addition it should be remembered also that molecules other foods will be hot because there is direct contact between the molecules with water molecules to heat up.

Through energy transfer, the heat caused by the movement of molecules. This energy transfer can occur by three different ways, namely:
1 Conduction
Occurs due to the direct contact with the heat source, sample boards that get hot pengorengan after contact with the source of the fire on the stove.

2 Convection
Convection occurs when heat rises or vapor steam rotates inside a closed room like an oven. The hot steam will heat up the outside of the food and passed on to the inside of the food.

3 Radiation
Is due to the electromagnetic waves that make the water molecules move.

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